Thursday, February 25, 2016

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The Muslim World of Colas

1. In the Muslim world, cola drinks are as popular as ever. Coca-Cola and
Pepsi are well-known brands. Moreover, in recent years, several Muslim cola drink companies have emerged1 to compete with the U.S. beverage giants.

2. Zam-Zam Cola, Mecca-Cola, Qibla-Cola, Star-Cola, Arab-Cola, and Cola Turka are gaining popularity in Muslim and other countries worldwide. The three latest entrants2 in the “cola wars”-Mecca-Cola, Qibla-Cola, and Cola Turka –use politically minded advertisements to urge customers to buy cola drinks marketed by Muslim-owned companies, not American brands.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Source: Espresso English <>

15 phrases for speaking polite English

You already know to say “Please”, “Thank you,” and “Excuse me” – but here are 15 more ways to make your English sound more polite!
1. Don’t say: I want a hamburger.
Say: I’d like a hamburger.
Or: I’ll have a hamburger, please.
“I want” sounds like a demand, as if you are commanding the other person to fulfill your desires. “I’d like” is a more polite and diplomatic phrase. When ordering food and drinks, we often use “I’ll have…”
2. Don’t say: Send me the report.
Say: Could you send me the report?
To maintain good relationships with coworkers, it’s best not to use imperatives (starting a sentence directly with a verb like “Reply to my e-mail,” “Go to the bank,” “Finish this project.”)
Instead, make requests with the phrases, Could you…? and Could you please…?