Thursday, December 1, 2011

Can you name this country?
This country is in South Africa. It is very long  and  narrow.  Its population numbers more than 14 million. The climate is warm in the winter and cold in the summer. The main geographical features are the Andes Mountains, the many islands near the southern coast, and the large northern desert. In the desert, years can go by without rain.
The main industries are copper mining, paper making, and fishing. Two of this country’s writers are world famous. In 1945 poet Gabriela Mistral was the first Latin American writer to win the Nobel Prize. In 1971 the prize went to Pablo Neruda. The main language is Spanish, and main religion is Roman Catholicism. The capital city is Santiago, in the Central Valley.
( Write similar information about another country. First make notes, and then use the notes to write sentences on your own paper. )

 A Frenchman in England
A  Frenchman was travelling in England. He knew very few English words. Once he was having breakfast in a small inn. He wanted some eggs. But  he couldn’t remember the word eggs. Suddenly, through the window, he saw a cock in the street. He asked the waiter: “What is this bird called in English?”  “It is called a cock”, the waiter answered.  “What is the cock’s wife called?” the Frenchman asked. “She is called a hen” the waiter said. “What are the hen’s children called?”  “They are called chickens.” “What were the chickens called before they were born?”  “They were called eggs.” “Fine!” said the Frenchman. “Please bring me two eggs and a cup of  tea”.     `  

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